Deploying rails application with apache+passenger+ubuntuPassenger + Apache + ubuntu 20.04Sep 27, 20222Sep 27, 20222
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Student Programs and Communities you must be part of !!!Benefits to joining developer communities :Jan 1, 2022Jan 1, 2022
Rewriting git history: some advanced git commands and their usagedo you ever make mistakes and loose track of your code while working ?Sep 11, 20218Sep 11, 20218
Published inDataDrivenInvestorMachine Learning Made EasyHey folks, You heard of the term ‘machine learning’ before and of course, someone told you that machine learning and AI will take overall…Feb 19, 20212Feb 19, 20212
How to apply for Developer Student Clubs LeadWhat is Developer Student Clubs?Feb 12, 20211Feb 12, 20211
Published inDataDrivenInvestorSoftware ate the world, Now AI is eating the world…Have you ever amazed by the fact that after checking out a nice pair of shoes from amazon your feed is continuously showing some shopping…Apr 8, 20202Apr 8, 20202